

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百六十九期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括城市可持续性转型,大灾变城市超现实主义,绿色绅士化的周期规律,艾哈迈达巴德的居住隔离,新加坡的种族融合与社会经济融合,欢迎阅读。


New municipalism and the governance of urban transitions to sustainability


Siddharth Sareen(挪威斯塔万格大学Katinka Lund Waagsaether(挪威卑尔根大学)首次出版时间:2022/9/5|研究论文

Cities play increasingly recognised roles in global climate change responses: as change laboratories, spaces of opportunity, and as administrative and economic hubs that concentrate human and financial resources and needs. They host high climate mitigation potential and acute climate adaptation vulnerabilities. Scholarship flags conventional urban planning approaches to limit global warming to 1.5°C as inadequate. Yet urban sustainability transitions literature features few examples of functioning alternative governance and planning paradigms. This paper assesses one such approach, new municipalism: social movements centred on a democratic transformation of the local economy and state. We combine attention to urban sustainability transitions and new municipalism research to interrogate whether and how the latter can facilitate the provision of leadership and institutional arrangements that enable urban transformation to sustainability. Our desk study considers two prominent examples of new municipalism in Spain, where Barcelona en Comú and Ahora Madrid arose as anti-austerity movements to combat neoliberal urban agendas during the 2010s. We find that the praxis of collective decision-making associated with new municipalism does offer inclusive, innovative policy pathways and the potential to implement experimental knowledge and learning in complex real-world settings at the urban scale. We argue, however, that powerful neoliberal mechanisms impose structural constraints on the very push for deep political change that new municipalist movements embody. By linking transformative climate governance needs with new municipalism movements and wider political economic structuring forces, we explicate the tensions and contested dynamics of institutionalising progressive social movements in the multi-scalar governance of urban sustainability transformation.

摘要城市在全球气候变化应对中扮演的角色越来越得到广泛的认可:作为变化实验室、机会空间,以及作为集中人力和财力资源和需求的行政和经济中心。城市具有很高的气候变化影响缓解潜力和严重的气候适应脆弱性。学者们指出,传统的城市规划将全球变暖限制在 1.5 _C 内的做法是不够的。然而,城市可持续性转型文献中很少有替代性治理和规划范式能发挥作用的例子。本文评估了新地方自治主义这样一种进路:以地方经济和政府的民主转型为中心的社会运动。我们将对城市可持续性转型的关注与新地方自治主义研究相结合,探讨后者是否以及如何促进提供必要的领导力和制度安排,从而实现城市向可持续性转型。我们的案头研究考虑了西班牙新地方自治主义的两个突出例子,2010 年代,共同的巴塞罗那 (Barcelona en Comu’) 和今日马德里 (Ahora Madrid) 作为反紧缩运动兴起,对抗新自由主义城市议程。我们发现,与新地方自治主义相关的集体决策实践确实提供了包容性、创新性的政策路径,以及在城市标度的复杂现实世界环境中实施实验性知识和学习的潜力。然而,我们认为,强大的新自由主义机制对新地方自治主义运动所体现的深刻政治变革的推动施加了结构性限制。通过将变革性气候治理需求与新地方自治主义运动和更广泛的政治经济结构力量相联系,我们阐明了在城市可持续性转型的多标度治理中将进步社会运动制度化所具有的张力和争夺性动态。

new municipalism, incumbency, participation, policy alignment, urban sustainability transformation



Apocalyptic urban surrealism in the city at the end of the world


Japhy Wilson(英国曼彻斯特大学首次出版时间:2022/9/5|研究论文

This paper responds to calls for radical experimentation in urban theory in the context of the material and psychological upheavals of Anthropocene. It does so through the development of an apocalyptic urban surrealism, based on a set of principles drawn from surrealist attempts to simulate the experience of reality characteristic of psychotic breakdown. These principles are put to work in the psychogeographical exploration of an urban resettlement scheme on the outskirts of Iquitos in the Peruvian Amazon, and the flooded informal settlement that this scheme seeks to replace. Through the relinquishment of established modes of academic sense-making, and their replacement with a surrealist interpretive delirium, alternative meanings emerge within the entrails of cannibal capitalism and the wreckage of state-regulated reality.


本文回应了在人类世物质和心理剧变的背景下对城市理论进行激进实验的呼吁。我们的方法是发展一种大灾变城市超现实主义,该超现实主义基于一套从超现实主义尝试中汲取的原则,以模拟精神崩溃的现实特征体验。这些原则被用于对秘鲁亚马逊地区伊基托斯 (Iquitos) 郊区的城市重新安置计划(以及该计划试图取代的被洪水淹没的非正规住区)进行心理地理探索。通过放弃既定的学术意义建构模式,并代之以超现实主义的解释性狂热,在食人资本主义的内脏和政府监管现实的残骸中出现了另外的意义。

Keywords Anthropocene, built environment, method, surrealism, theory


人类世, 建筑环境, 方法, 超现实主义, 理论

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221118817


The green gentrification cycle


Alessandro Rigolon(美国伊利诺伊大学Timothy Collins(美国犹他大学)首次出版时间:2022/9/12|研究论文

Significant research has shown that gentrification often follows the implementation of greening initiatives (e.g. new parks) in cities worldwide, in what scholars have called ‘green gentrification’. A few other studies in the Global North suggest that greening initiatives might be disproportionately located in disadvantaged neighbourhoods that are gentrifying as opposed to disadvantaged areas experiencing continuous disinvestment. Building on these findings, in this critical commentary we present the green gentrification cycle, which sheds light on the complex spatiotemporal relationships between greening and gentrification. The cycle posits that gentrification can precede greening, gentrification can follow greening and, in some cases, gentrification can both precede and then follow greening. We present the actors and processes involved in intentionally steering greening to already gentrifying communities and discuss them through an environmental justice lens. Specifically, we propose three complementary explanations for why gentrification precedes greening, including demand from gentrifiers, push from the green growth machine and increased resource availability in gentrifying communities. We then present a research agenda on the green gentrification cycle, including the need for a better understanding of how the cycle might materialise in places with varying political economies, such as the Global South.

摘要 重要的研究表明,在全球范围内,绅士化通常尾随城市的绿化举措的实施(例如新公园的建设),学者们称之为“绿色绅士化”。全球北方的一些其他研究表明,与投资持续减少的贫困地区相比,绿化举措可能不成比例地集中在正在绅士化的贫困社区。基于这些发现,在这篇批判性评论中,我们提出了绿化绅士化周期,揭示了绿化和绅士化之间复杂的时空关系。该周期假设绅士化可以先于绿化,绅士化可以尾随绿化,并且在某些情况下,绅士化可以先于绿化然后再尾随绿化。我们展示了有意将绿化引向已经在绅士化的社区的行为者和过程,并从环境正义的视角对其进行讨论。具体来说,我们针对为什么绅士化先于绿化提出了三个互补的解释,包括绅士化的需求、绿色增长机器的推动和绅士化社区更高的资源可用性。然后,我们提出了关于绿色绅士化周期的研究议程,包括需要更好地了解该周期如何在政治经济环境不同的地方实现,例如全球南方。
Keywords environmental gentrification, environmental justice, parks, urban greening, urban sustainability



Saffron geographies of exclusion: The Disturbed Areas Act of Gujarat


Sheba Tejani(英国伯明翰大学
首次出版时间:2022/9/14 |研究论文

This article elucidates the discursive, spatial and procedural mechanisms by which residential segregation and ghettoisation based on religion in Ahmedabad is reproduced and reinforced. It studies the application of the Disturbed Areas Act of Gujarat, a 1986 law ostensibly intended to curb spatial segregation based on religion by preventing the distress sale of property in ‘disturbed areas’ affected by sectarian violence. However, this law is being used for precisely opposite ends and as a tool of ‘ethnocratic urban planning’ to advance the Hindu right’s goal of separate and hierarchical nations based on religion and to actively ‘Hinduise’ urban space. Current practices of the law enable the state to police boundaries between Muslim areas and adjoining Hindu localities, sealing their porosity and preventing the formation of mixed areas by restricting property transfers. The article uses semi-structured interviews, mapping techniques, participant observation and official data as sources of evidence. It maps ‘disturbed areas’ in Ahmedabad for the first time and presents previously unpublished data on applications for property transfers between persons of different religions under the Act. The article argues that ethnocratic planning combines with a range of other vectors, such as targeted anti-Muslim violence, the hindrance of justice and reconciliation thereafter and the persistent vilification of minorities, to produce saffron geographies of exclusion in Ahmedabad. These saffron geographies of exclusion are grids of Hinduised spaces cleansed of Muslim presence that embody the ascendancy of the ideology of Hindutva over the city and simultaneously create Muslim ghettos.


本文阐明了艾哈迈达巴德 (Ahmedabad) 基于宗教的居住隔离和隔都化复制和强化的话语、空间和程序机制。我们研究了古吉拉特邦《扰乱地区法》的适用,这是一项 1986 年的法律,表面上旨在通过防止在受宗派暴力影响的“扰乱地区”被迫出售物业来禁止基于宗教的空间隔离。然而,这项法律正被用于完全相反的目的,并被用作“民族城市规划”的工具,以推进印度教权利目标(即基于宗教的独立和等级化的国家)并积极地将城市空间“印度教化”。目前的法律实践使国家能够监管穆斯林地区和毗邻的印度教地区之间的边界,通过限制财产转让来密封它们之间的孔隙并防止形成混合地区。本文使用半结构化访谈、绘图技术、参与者观察和官方数据作为证据来源。我们首次绘制了艾哈迈达巴德的“扰乱地区”地图,并提供了以前未公布的、根据该法案在不同宗教人士之间进行财产转移的申请数据。我们认为,民族主义规划与一系列其他载体相结合(例如有针对性的反穆斯林暴力、此后对正义与和解的阻碍、以及对少数群体的持续诽谤)在艾哈迈达巴德产生了排斥性印度教地理。这些排斥性印度教地理是一些印度教化的空间网格,它们清除了穆斯林的存在,体现了印度教意识形态在城市中的支配地位,同时制造了隔都。

KeywordsAhmedabad, Disturbed Areas Act, ethnocratic planning, ghettoisation, Hindutva, saffron geographies, spatial segregation, urban planning

艾哈迈达巴德 (Ahmedabad), 扰乱地区法, 民族规划, 隔都化, 印度教,印度教地理,空间隔离,城市规划



Do ethnic integration policies also improve socio-economic integration? A study of residential segregation in Singapore


Shin Bin Tan(新加坡李光耀公共政策大学首次出版时间:2022/9/14|研究论文

Concerns over the negative impact of residential segregation have motivated desegregation policies around the world. Singapore’s Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP) is a desegregation policy perceived to be effective in reducing ethnic segregation. However, there is little clarity about how the Ethnic Integration Policy might affect socio-economic segregation, another important dimension of segregation. This study explores Singapore’s socio-economic and ethnic residential segregation patterns from 1990 until 2020, focussing on three scales of analysis: national, city district-level (subzone) and building-level. Ethnic and socio-economic segregation, which were generally low, fluctuated in opposite directions over the years. While public housing flats were exposed to less ethnic and socio-economic segregation than private housing, findings suggest a negative relationship between ethnic and socio-economic segregation for majority public housing subzones. This inverse relationship between socio-economic and ethnic segregation might be due to the Ethnic Integration Policy's distortionary effect on flat resale prices. These findings highlight the need for greater attentiveness to residential integration policies’ impact on both socio-economic and ethnic integration, and not to assume that policies aimed at improving one would be sufficient to address the other.

对居住隔离的负面影响的担忧推动了世界各地废除种族隔离政策。新加坡的种族融合政策 (EIP) 是一项被认为可有效减少种族隔离的废除种族隔离政策。然而,关于种族融合政策如何影响社会经济隔离这一隔离的另一个重要方面,目前尚不清楚。本研究探讨了新加坡从 1990 年到 2020 年的社会经济和种族居住隔离规律,重点关注三个分析尺度:国家、市区级(分区)和建筑级。多年来,种族和社会经济隔离总体较低,但在相反的方向上波动。虽然与私人住房相比,公共住房单位的种族和社会经济隔离较少,但研究结果表明,大多数公共住房分区的种族和社会经济隔离之间存在负相关关系。社会经济和种族隔离之间的这种负相关关系可能是由于种族融合政策对统一转售价格的扭曲影响。这些发现强调需要更加关注居住融合政策对社会经济和种族融合的影响,而不是假设旨在改善其中一个问题的政策足以解决另一个问题。
KeywordsAsia, ethnic segregation, property transaction, racial segregation, socio-economic segregation



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